Online Resources and Design

I reviewed two articles one on brain leaning and one on problem solving.  As I read the article on the Funderstaning site it discussed the process that your brain will learn as long as the brain is not impeded.  The site states, “The core principles of brain-based learning state that. The brain is a parallel processor, meaning it can perform several activities at once, like tasting and smelling. (Funderstanding, 2011). I agree 100% with that statement.  If you thing about how you recall if you can associate it with another sense you will have better recollection.  The site also discussed the need to have proper instruction, a solid curriculum and an assessment.  As a facilitator I feel you have to do all of the above but also ensure the learner able to learn by having an environment that is challenging but not intimidating and allows the learner to process.  I try to have an open forum room with the ability to ask questions and process information.  I find this article to be very informative but applies to design and learning and should be incorporated in to all learning processes.  I have been in classes where it was all lecture and never allowed for discussion.  This site also states that everyone can learn but at different rates. According to Funderstanding, Traditional schooling, however, often inhibits learning by discouraging, ignoring, or punishing the brain’s natural learning processes. .  I never thought about the fact that traditional education stifles learning, but when you think about it, it does.  This article actually made me rethink the process of traditional college courses.  Why do I have use paragraphs to answer questions?  Why cant is use pictures why cant I sure charts?


The other site discuss how we problem solving is a mental process involving discover, analyzing  and solving (Cherry, 2017)   The site states there are 7 steps in problem solving; identifying the problem, defining the problem, forming a strategy, organizing information, allocating resources, monitoring process and evaluating the results.  I have seen this process with somewhat different headings but basically the same info.  I think we do go through these process for problem solving but in different orders.  The article reminds me how we all can see a problem and approach a different way.  Does not have it wrong but just a different road to get to the same answer.

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